#doritisarevedeti ce s-a intamplat, subiectele aduse in discutie sau doar comentate, in anul care tocmai a trecut, 2010?!
Daca #doritisarevedeti este hashtagul prin care va invit sa shareuiti experientele voastre de-a lungul anului 2010, pe twitter, pe blog, sau whatever...in online!
3 comentarii:
dorim sa revedem dar nu pe twiter ci pe blog!
The plans of sensory-perceptive nipperhttp://www.ebancuritari.com >bancuri tari object of the game does an breakdown and synthesis of immediate concrete. It is not past chance that often
scar their children toys, this is a declaration of their peeping, their reason of the running investigation.
Asta ar insemna sa postez de doua ori aceiasi postare....but I guess sucks :P
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