EPICA - Requiem for the Indifferent.

Epica a revenit in 2012 cu albumul Requiem for the Indifferent  intr-un mod inedit:  albumul va fi lansat in 9 martie, insa pana atunci va prezenta publicului cate un fragment, un teaser, dintr-o piesa de pe noul album.
 In timpul unui concert recent, Simone Simons a interpretat piesa Storm the Sorrow, in intregime, de pe cel de-al 5 lea album al celei mai bune trupe de metal simfonic si gothic

Tracklisting "Requiem For The Indifferent": 01. Karma 02. Monopoly On Truth 03. Storm The Sorrow 04. Delirium 05. Internal Warfare 06. Requiem For The Indifferent 07. Anima 08. Guilty Demeanor 09. Deep Water Horizon 10. Stay The Course 11. Deter The Tyrant 12. Avalanche 13. Serenade Of Self-Destruction 

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